
WordPress.org and WordPress.com Which is better

For inexperienced in making a website with WordPress, you must, first of all, know that. WordPress.org and WordPress.com It is different, however, first have to know each other before that it is complete before it starts from WordPress.org WordPress.org WordPress is a free program that everyone can take to install and use. not free to explain to the world if it is to create the finest web hosting with WordPress on the program that we have to hire WordPress, we do not have to pay any royalties. But we have to pay rent for space or Host site to install it is to do. Normally that's it for WordPress.com is a free website hosting for free (see the extension. Com know that there is nothing to pay me) will be allowed to use the domain name for free. Do not use space But as I've already explained that. Using the free website It was like we were living apartment. Must pay rent to the owner I do not About the thing.

Compared with WordPress.com WordPress.org However, that there are pros and cons
  • For applications WordPress.org
  1. Advantages
  • Free for personal use And not have to worry about copyright.
  • Users own the data And control it all No one will come off your site.
  • You can upload and install the plug-ins you like.
  • You can upload the desired theme And tune into any kind of up to you.
  • You can use a WordPress site that generated this revenue with the next line. Or do anything to you
  • You can install the statistics (Analytics) have themselves to analyzing traffic to your site.
  • Web Hosting incurs leased each year about 10-20$, but when the money from the websites. Taken to remove this expenditure. It also gains more
  • You need to update your version of WordPress on your own. The system will be updated automatically.
  • You must make your own backup (Backup) in a case of a server crashes and data loss. What about this
  • You must find a way to spam your own.

  • For applications WordPress.com

  • There is space for disabled Site storage of up to 3GB if you use a lot more than that. I have my own money. The price is quite expensive
  • The system will automatically update to WordPress.


  • The system will remove the ads posted on our website so deadpan. The revenue from those ads. We do not have it, WordPress.com is all that I have nothing really free. In this world right now
  • You are not allowed to sell any products through the site's built in. this WordPress.com
  • You are not allowed to use any plugins. It added that it did not install.
  • You can customize according to your needs. There also used to be that way.
  • You can not install software for statistical analysis on your Web.
  • The WordPress.com site, you can remove from the system whenever the applicable regulations against the use of his own.
  • The system will also change the theme of your site. If the system is not the owner of the themes that came up (conflict of interest), whether you agree or not. You must be your own theme anyway.
  • Even if you are willing to spend money to upgrade everything. But you would have to advertise to them. It is estimated that the "Powered by WordPress.com".

With so many reasons for this, with the WordPress.org WordPress.com. I chose How to make a website with WordPress.org only one It has more advantages than disadvantages Flexible And the freedom to customize The costs Or other disadvantages, the solution makes it known that as of now the Web site. WordPress.org is flawless already for those who are inexperienced. And decided that Create A Website The program is good I suggest that WordPress best not good for a long time and it would be nice to continue to the site around the world use WordPress to create a lot of it. If people who have studied it know that WordPress can do more than you think.

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